We started our journey at Limerick Bus Station. Took the 8.30 a.m bus.
The journey from Limerick to Dublin tooks 3 and a half hours of bus ride!
The bus went through many towns along the way and after 1 hour of journey,we had our first break.
As to feed our curiosity, I asked a young Irish man what's the place's name.
me:"hello, can you tell me what's the name of this place?"
Smoking Irish : "what?"
me: "The name?"
Smoking Irish : "SHIT HOLE"
me: "SHIT HOLE? Err... thanks."
me: ?????
"Borris-In-Ossory" - the actual name.
My bag, Ying Koon, Michael Tsipes and Chris.
I took this picture with my hand phone.
The journey continued and after another 2 and a half hour journey, we finally arrived in Dublin. The biggest city and capital of Ireland.
Dublin's most prominent monument, the O'Connell Monument.
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