I am a Chinese, a Malaysian Chinese.
If you are born in America, you are known as an ABC - American Born Chinese, but do you really know which ethnic group you belong to?
92% of the population of China is Han, which roughly translated to more than 1 billion Han. Han Chinese has ruled over China for thousand of years, but the last dynasty that ruled china was not Han, but a minority group, the Manchu.
The Manchu rule was over. Now, we have communist.
There are 53 other minority ethnic groups in China. I belong to the Han ethnic group. Which ethnic groups you belong to?
Someone once told me that you can tell if you are a Han Chinese by looking at the fifth toenail at your either left or right foot. It was said that only Han Chinese toenail has an extra toenail growth (that additional nail that grow out). It is some genetic flaw of the Han Chinese or something.
Don't believe me? If you are a Chinese, look at your fifth toenail now. Surprise?
Doesn't everybody have it?
Ask around; ask your Indian friends, your Caucasian friends, your African friends. If you are not Chinese, but you have that extra toenail, you should check your family tree, you might have Han blood.
Usually I will post a photo, but I acknowledge that i haven't got the prettiest foot around, I post my Ms-Paint drawing instead. But if you have a nice foot that you wanted to be on my blog, send it to me via email and I will post it :)
haha...i like this one...doesn't seem to apply on me though the theory ... darn... was hoping i got some han blood...^^
Haha. It sounds funny doesn't it? But I am not making this thing out, It's real! haha..
i did some researh on the internet, and i came across a chinese article written about this phenomenon.But the article was written by some normal chinese folks who suspect the same thing about Han's physical trait. And he did found some base for his claim in some ancient folks tale. Anyway, here is the url: http://dzh.mop.com/mainFrame.jsp?url=http://dzh.mop.com/topic/readSub_7773132_0_0.html
Hih.. I am quarter Chinese though I am from Russia. Not sure if i've got any han blood, but if I look to my right toefinger.. probably yeah :)
Btw, here I found some good info about deformities, it might be interesting Foot deformities
I'm 1/2 cantonese and I have fugly pinky toenails with a tiny split. My father said it's called "han toenail" and runs in the family. My brother was born with the "mongolian spot", like a bruise on the lower back which disappears some time after birth.
I'm black and both pinky toenails are split like this. Don't think it's just a Chinese thing.
yea i got the same toenail except my nails are the same size. also the toe is larger. And i passed it on to my child.
This is actually a condition called a lister corn. I have it on both pinky toes and I'm white.
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